Friday, November 7, 2008

Boston Legal

October 14, 2008

I was back on Boston Legal, which is always nice. I played a lawyer and sat right behind William Shatner and James Spader in the courtroom scene. Last time I was in the courtroom, Shatner and Spader were there. I really enjoy watching both these actors, and their characters are quite fun as well.

Outside in the courtyard of the Courthouse (which was actually next to the parking structure and coffee shop at Raleigh Studios Manhattan Beach) I was placed at a table behind Betty White, John Larroquett, and Henry Gibson. Watching them work was great fun. Betty spent time sitting back in holding talking to some of the background, and Henry Gibson was making a mess each time he did his scene, though it was quite intentional. Well most of the time, anyway. He did manage to end up with a lap full of water during one take that was not planned. Course, between each take, someone had to clean it up so he could do it again.

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